Work Life

Backend Developer @merklelabs

  • worked as a backend developer for 2 weeks on their project:
  • contributed in developing smart contracts, merkle tree based whitelisting & others.
  • worked on frontend for developing features like twitter wallet linking, whitelisting etc.
  • developed services in backend using typescript & mongodb for storage.

Freelance Developer @33solutions

  • building Bounty which is a web-app that provides cashback to users by scanning QR.
  • built crm for a company to manage their customers, with zoko integration.
  • worked with next.js, typescript, mongodb etc. to build stuff.

Backend Intern @catoff gaming

  • developed blinks (blockchian links) for games like pollmeister, wheel of fortune etc.
  • worked on the backend stuff for the blinks using Nest.js, postgres.

Freelance Developer 100+ hours

  • working in collaboration with team in shhipping Saas products.
  • built, as a freelance developer.
  • Next.JS, Rust, AI integrations are common in this space

Technical Lead @mlnagpur

  • integrated new chains in the sdk.
  • improved the documentation.
  • supported the developer community.